How to Turn on a Snowboard – How to Snowboard

How to Turn on a Snowboard – How to Snowboard

In this beginner series video titled “How to Turn on a Snowboard – How to Snowboard,” Kevin from demonstrates the proper technique for turning on a snowboard. Turning is an essential skill that allows you to control your speed and navigate the mountain using both edges of your board. Before attempting turns, it is important to have watched the earlier videos in the series, as they provide foundational skills necessary for successful snowboarding. Kevin recommends starting on a gentle beginner slope and even enlisting the help of a friend for support. The video focuses on the three key components of a turn: letting the board go straight, turning the body in the desired direction, and applying pressure to the new edge. Kevin encourages viewers to practice these techniques and emphasizes that snowboarding is meant to be enjoyable, so learners should progress at their own comfortable pace. Those who encounter difficulties can leave questions in the comment box, and Kevin will strive to offer assistance. Additionally, he urges viewers to share the video with friends who are also learning to snowboard and to subscribe to SnowboardProCamp for future video updates.

How to Turn on a Snowboard

Snowboarding is an exhilarating sport that offers freedom and excitement on the slopes. One of the most fundamental skills in snowboarding is turning. Knowing how to turn not only allows you to control your speed but also enables you to navigate around the mountain with ease. In this article, we will break down the process of turning on a snowboard into three main parts: letting your board go straight, turning your body, and pressuring your new edge. We will also discuss additional tips and techniques to help you improve your turning skills and troubleshoot any difficulties you may encounter. So let’s dive in and learn how to turn on a snowboard!

Letting your board go straight

The first part of turning on a snowboard is letting your board go straight. This step is essential because it sets the foundation for a smooth and controlled turn. To let your board go straight, you need to distribute your weight evenly and keep your body relaxed. Start by positioning yourself with your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent. As you begin to descend down the slope, focus on staying balanced and centered on your snowboard. Avoid leaning too far forward or backward, as this can disrupt your balance and make it difficult to execute a turn accurately.

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Turning your body

Once you have allowed your board to go straight, it’s time to initiate the turn by turning your body. Turning your body in the desired direction will guide your snowboard and set the trajectory for the turn. To turn, shift your weight slightly onto your front foot and point your front hand and look straight down the hill. This movement will naturally cause your body to rotate, turning your snowboard in the same direction. Keep your upper body relaxed and avoid tensing up or fighting against the turn. Remember to maintain good posture and engage your core muscles to maintain stability throughout the turn.

Pressuring your new edge

The final step in executing a turn on a snowboard is pressuring your new edge. Pressuring the edge involves transferring your weight onto the edge of your snowboard that is opposite to the direction you want to turn. For example, if you want to turn from your toe edge to your heel edge, you need to apply pressure to your heels. In contrast, if you are turning from your heel edge to your toe edge, you should focus on pressuring your toes. This pressure allows your edge to grip the snow and provides the necessary control for the turn. As you apply pressure, keep your body aligned with your snowboard, and let your legs and feet guide the movement.

Turning from Toe Edge to Heel Edge

Now that we have covered the basic principles of turning on a snowboard, let’s break down the specific steps for two common turn transitions. The first transition we will explore is turning from your toe edge to your heel edge.

To initiate this transition, begin by letting your snowboard go straight and flat down the slope. To do this, shift your weight slightly onto your front foot and focus on pointing and looking straight down the hill. As your board goes straight, prepare to turn onto your heel edge by turning your body to face the bottom of the hill. Your snowboard will follow the direction of your body, so make sure to rotate smoothly and maintain balance. As you turn your body, gradually apply pressure to your heels to get your board onto the heel edge. This pressure should be steady and controlled, allowing you to slow down and prepare for the next turn. Remember, practice is key to mastering this transition, so take your time and focus on each step.

How to Turn on a Snowboard - How to Snowboard

Turning from Heel Edge to Toe Edge

The second transition we will explore is turning from your heel edge to your toe edge. This transition involves similar steps but in the opposite direction.

Begin by letting your snowboard go straight again, just like in the previous transition. Shift your weight onto your front foot and point your hand and look straight down the hill. As your board goes straight, start to turn your body to face the top of the slope. Your snowboard will follow the direction of your body, so ensure a smooth rotation and maintain your balance. As you turn your body, gradually apply pressure to your toes to get your board onto the toe edge. This pressure will allow you to control your speed and position yourself for the next turn. Remember, practice makes perfect, so focus on the fundamentals and take your time to refine your technique.

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Practice and Preparation

To become proficient in turning on a snowboard, it is essential to dedicate time to practice and prepare yourself for the challenges ahead. Here are some tips to help you along the way:

Choosing an easy beginner slope

When starting out, it is crucial to select a slope that is suitable for beginners. Look for a gentle incline with a wide-open space, allowing you plenty of room to maneuver and practice your turns. Avoid slopes that are too steep or crowded, as this can make learning more difficult.

Getting assistance from a friend

Having a friend who is experienced in snowboarding can be incredibly helpful during the learning process. They can provide guidance, give you tips, and offer support as you navigate your way through turning. Having someone by your side can boost your confidence and make the learning experience more enjoyable.

Focusing on the three parts of turning

Remember to focus on the three main parts of turning: letting your board go straight, turning your body, and pressuring your new edge. Break down each step and practice them individually before combining them into a seamless turn. By isolating each part, you can identify areas that need improvement and gradually refine your technique.

Controlling Speed

Controlling your speed is an essential aspect of snowboarding. Turning plays a significant role in speed management. Here are some techniques to help you control your speed while turning:

Using turning to control your snowboard’s speed

By varying the duration and intensity of your turns, you can effectively control your snowboard’s speed. Longer and wider turns will naturally decrease your speed, while shorter and sharper turns will increase it. Experiment with different turn shapes and sizes to find the speed control that works best for you.

Pressuring your edges to slow down

When you want to slow down, apply more pressure to your edges. By leaning slightly into the snow and digging your edge into the slope, you create friction that reduces your speed. This technique requires balance and control, so practice on gentle slopes before attempting it on steeper terrain.

Setting yourself up for the next turn

As you complete each turn, focus on setting yourself up for the next one. Position your body and adjust your balance so that you can smoothly transition into the next turn. This preparation allows for a more fluid and continuous flow, helping you maintain control and rhythm as you navigate down the mountain.

Troubleshooting Turn Difficulties

Learning to turn can be challenging, but with some troubleshooting techniques, you can overcome common difficulties. Here are a few tips to help you troubleshoot any issues you may encounter:

Leaving questions in the comment box for assistance

If you need help or have specific questions about turning on a snowboard, don’t hesitate to ask for assistance. Many online communities and resources are available to offer guidance and support. Leave your questions or concerns in the comment box, and experienced snowboarders will be happy to help you overcome any obstacles.

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Seeking help from experienced snowboarders

In addition to online support, consider seeking help from experienced snowboarders in your local snowboarding community. They can provide valuable insights, personalized advice, and hands-on assistance. Connecting with fellow enthusiasts not only enhances your learning experience but also opens up opportunities for friendship and shared experiences.

Practicing sliding on your edges to improve turning

Sliding on your edges is an excellent exercise to improve your turning skills. Find a flat area or gentle slope and practice sliding while focusing on maintaining balance and control. This exercise helps develop muscle memory and the ability to shift your weight effectively, leading to more confident and precise turns on the mountain.

Having Fun and Learning at Your Own Pace

Remember, snowboarding is about having fun and enjoying the process of learning. Each person progresses at their own pace, so don’t feel pressured to compare yourself to others. Take your time, embrace the learning journey, and celebrate your achievements along the way. Snowboarding is a lifelong adventure, and there is always something new to learn and explore.

Enjoying the process of learning how to turn

Learning how to turn on a snowboard can be a thrilling and rewarding experience. Embrace the process of acquiring this essential skill and enjoy the excitement and freedom that come with it. Celebrate even the smallest victories and take pride in your progress.

Learning at a speed that you are comfortable with

Learning is a personal journey, and everyone has their own pace. Don’t rush yourself or feel pressured to progress faster than you are comfortable with. Take breaks when needed, reflect on your achievements, and set realistic goals for yourself. By learning at your own speed, you can build a solid foundation and improve steadily over time.

Sharing the experience with friends

Snowboarding is often more enjoyable when shared with friends. Invite your friends who are interested in learning to snowboard and embark on this thrilling adventure together. Not only can you support and motivate each other, but you can also create lasting memories and strengthen your bond as you navigate the slopes together.

Additional Resources

To further enhance your snowboarding journey, here are some additional resources and recommendations:

Watching upcoming videos on SnowboardProCamp

SnowboardProCamp is an excellent online resource for snowboarders of all levels. They offer informative and engaging videos that cover a wide range of topics, including turning techniques. Watch their upcoming videos to expand your knowledge, learn new tips and tricks, and stay updated with the latest trends in snowboarding.

Finding other helpful snowboarding tutorials

In addition to SnowboardProCamp, there are numerous other snowboarding tutorials available online. Explore different platforms and channels to find tutorials that resonate with your learning style. Remember to take advantage of the wealth of information and inspiration available to you.

Exploring recommended gear

Having appropriate gear can greatly enhance your snowboarding experience. Research and explore recommendations for snowboarding equipment, such as boots, bindings, and boards. Each piece of gear plays a role in your performance and comfort on the mountain, so invest in quality products that suit your needs and preferences.


Mastering the skill of turning on a snowboard is a significant milestone in your snowboarding journey. By following the steps outlined in this article and practicing with dedication, you will gradually gain confidence and control on the slopes. Remember to focus on the three main parts of turning: letting your board go straight, turning your body, and pressuring your new edge. Don’t be discouraged by difficulties or setbacks—these are all part of the learning process. As you progress, you will feel more confident, in control, and connected to the exhilaration that snowboarding offers. Cherish every moment, continue to improve, and embrace the lifelong adventure of snowboarding.

Hi there, I'm Jesse Hull, the author behind AK Fresh Pow. "Shred The Knar There Bud" is not only our tagline, but also our way of life. As a Husband and Father, I embrace the thrill of conquering the slopes. Being a retired Infantry Paratrooper has taught me discipline and a love for adventure. Now, as a new snowboarder/skier, I'm embracing the freedom and adrenaline rush that comes with it. Alongside these passions, I am a full-time student at Alaska Pacific University in Anchorage, Alaska, continuously expanding my knowledge and skills. Join me on this exciting journey as we explore the beauty of the snowy mountains together.