5 Things Beginner Snowboarders Need to Know!

5 Things Beginner Snowboarders Need to Know!

In the video titled “5 Things Beginner Snowboarders Need to Know!” by SnowboardProCamp, the instructor shares five essential tips for those who are new to snowboarding. The first tip is about laying the snowboard upside down to prevent it from sliding away. Next, beginners are advised to practice strapping and unstrapping their snowboard bindings to become familiar with them. The third tip focuses on practicing one-footed stops, which will help riders when getting off the chairlift. Additionally, beginners should learn how to roll onto their toe edge, as it is easier to stand up from that position. The video concludes by encouraging viewers to leave any questions they may have in the comments and directing them towards the beginner snowboarding playlist for more instructional videos.

In a personal introduction, Kevin from SnowboardProCamp shares his experience teaching beginners and highlights the importance of learning these five tips to save time, hassle, and ensure safety while snowboarding. He emphasizes the need to always place the board upside down to avoid accidents and provides a step-by-step guide for strapping up the bindings. Kevin also instructs beginners to practice one-footed stops and walking up hills, as well as demonstrating how to roll onto the toe edge. He concludes by urging viewers to check out the beginner playlist, like the video, and share it with friends who are also learning to snowboard.

Things Beginner Snowboarders Need to Know

Snowboarding can be an exciting and exhilarating sport, but for beginners, it can also be a bit overwhelming. To help make your first experience on a snowboard a positive one, there are a few key things you need to know. In this article, we will cover five essential skills and techniques that all beginner snowboarders should be aware of. These include laying your snowboard upside down, practicing strapping up and unstrapping your snowboard bindings, practicing one footed stops, practicing skating and walking up hills, and rolling onto your toe edge. By understanding and mastering these skills, you will be well on your way to becoming a confident and proficient snowboarder.

5 Things Beginner Snowboarders Need to Know!

Laying your snowboard upside down

When it comes to laying your snowboard down, it is crucial to always lay it upside down. This means that the base of your snowboard should be facing up towards the sky. There are a few reasons why this is important. First and foremost, laying your snowboard upside down prevents it from sliding away, especially on a slope. If you were to lay your snowboard flat, it could potentially slide down the mountain and pose a danger to others. Additionally, laying your snowboard upside down allows the bindings to stay secure and prevents any damage to the board itself. By following this simple practice, you can ensure the safety of yourself and those around you.

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Practicing strapping up and unstrapping your snowboard bindings

One of the first skills you will need to master as a beginner snowboarder is strapping up and unstrapping your snowboard bindings. Snowboard bindings are the mechanisms that secure your boots to the board and are essential for control and stability while riding. Before hitting the slopes, it is crucial to familiarize yourself with the different components of snowboard bindings. This includes understanding the ratchets, ladder, and strap. Once you have a good understanding of how the bindings work, it is essential to practice strapping up and unstrapping them. Start by sitting on the ground next to your snowboard. Begin by strapping up your front foot first, ensuring that it is snug and secure. Once you have mastered this, you can practice strapping up both feet and getting a feel for the bindings. By practicing this skill before hitting the slopes, you will gain confidence and be well-prepared for your first day of snowboarding.

Practicing one footed stops

As a beginner snowboarder, one of the most important skills you need to develop is one footed stops. When you ride a chairlift and get off, you will typically have one foot strapped into the board while the other foot is free. Practicing one footed stops ahead of time will help you become comfortable and confident in these situations. To perform a one footed stop, start by finding a gentle slope. Ride down the slope with your front foot secured in the bindings and your back foot hovering just above the snow. As you approach the stopping point, drag your back foot in the snow to slow down and eventually come to a stop. This technique is essential for maintaining control when riding a chairlift or navigating flat areas. By practicing one footed stops, you will be well-prepared for the challenges that may arise on the mountain.

Practicing skating and walking up hills

When snowboarding, there may be times when you need to walk or skate on flat areas or uphill. This is why practicing skating and walking techniques is crucial for beginners. Skating involves using your free foot to push yourself forward on the snowboard while your front foot remains in the binding. Begin by finding a flat or gentle slope and start pushing off with your back foot, propelling yourself forward. It is important to alternate pushing off with each foot to maintain balance and control. Walking uphill requires a slightly different technique. Place your front foot firmly on the snowboard and lift your back foot, using your toes to dig into the snow. Take small steps and maintain your balance as you walk up the hill. By practicing these techniques, you will build strength and balance, making it easier to navigate various terrains while snowboarding.

Rolling onto your toe edge

Rolling onto your toe edge is a fundamental skill that all beginner snowboarders should learn. By rolling onto your toe edge, you can make standing up from your knees much easier, allowing for a smoother transition when getting up after a fall. To perform this technique, start by lying on your stomach with your snowboard on. Bend your knees and grab one of your knees from behind. As you pull your knee towards your chest, roll onto the toes of your feet, pushing yourself up into a standing position. Make sure to maintain your balance and keep your weight centered on the board. Practicing this skill will not only make standing up easier but also improve your overall control and stability on the snowboard.

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Beginner Tips for Snowboarding

In addition to the specific skills mentioned above, there are several general tips that can help beginner snowboarders have a successful and enjoyable experience on the mountain. These tips include using the right gear, finding a suitable snowboarding location, learning from a qualified instructor, practicing proper body posture, understanding weight distribution, mastering basic turning techniques, learning how to fall safely, staying hydrated and taking breaks, building endurance and strength, and understanding and respecting the slopes.

Using the right gear

Before hitting the slopes, it is essential to make sure you have the right gear. This includes choosing the right snowboard that suits your height, weight, and skill level. Additionally, it is crucial to invest in appropriate boots that provide comfort and support. Bindings should be selected based on compatibility with your boots and personal preference. Lastly, wearing essential protective gear such as a helmet, wrist guards, knee pads, and elbow pads can help prevent injuries and ensure your safety while snowboarding.

Finding a suitable snowboarding location

When planning your snowboarding trip, it is important to research different resorts and mountains to find a location that suits your skill level. Consider the terrain and difficulty levels of the slopes, as well as the availability of beginner-friendly areas. Checking weather conditions to ensure optimal snow conditions and safety is also essential. By choosing a suitable snowboarding location, you can have a more enjoyable and successful experience on the mountain.

Learning from a qualified instructor

While it can be tempting to learn how to snowboard on your own, working with a qualified instructor can significantly enhance your learning experience. An experienced instructor can provide expert guidance, teach you proper techniques, and help you build a solid foundation of skills. They can also offer valuable feedback and help correct any bad habits or mistakes you may be making. Investing in professional lessons can help you progress more quickly and safely in your snowboarding journey.

Practicing proper body posture

Maintaining proper body posture while snowboarding is essential for balance, control, and minimizing the risk of injury. Keep your knees slightly bent and your weight centered over the snowboard. Your shoulders should be parallel to the slope, and your arms should be relaxed and stable. Avoid leaning back or hunching over, as this can throw off your balance and limit your control. By practicing and maintaining proper body posture, you will improve your overall performance and increase your confidence on the snowboard.

Understanding weight distribution

Understanding how to distribute your weight on the snowboard is crucial for maintaining control and stability. While turning, you should shift your weight onto your front foot to initiate the turn. As you complete the turn, transfer your weight back onto both feet for balance. Be mindful of keeping your weight centered to maintain control and prevent falls. By mastering weight distribution, you will be able to navigate turns smoothly and confidently.

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Mastering basic turning techniques

Learning how to turn is a fundamental skill in snowboarding. Start by practicing basic turns on gentle slopes. To initiate a turn, shift your weight onto your front foot and gently lean in the direction you want to go. Allow your body to follow the movement, and use your toes and heels to guide the board. As you become more comfortable, increase the fluidity and speed of your turns. Mastering basic turning techniques will allow you to navigate the mountain with ease and control.

Learning how to fall safely

Falling is a part of learning to snowboard, and it is important to know how to fall safely to avoid injuries. When falling, try to relax and avoid tensing up. Keep your limbs loose and try to roll with the fall rather than resisting it. Use your hands and forearms to protect your head and face. It can also be helpful to learn how to fall to the side, as this can reduce the impact on your wrists and joints. By learning how to fall safely, you can minimize the risk of injury and bounce back quickly.

Staying hydrated and taking breaks

Snowboarding can be physically demanding, so it is essential to stay hydrated and take regular breaks. Drink plenty of water throughout the day to maintain your energy levels and prevent dehydration. Take breaks whenever you feel fatigued to rest and recover. Snowboarding is a sport that requires both physical and mental focus, and taking the time to rest will help you stay alert and perform at your best.

Building endurance and strength

Snowboarding requires a certain level of endurance and strength, especially in your legs and core. Engaging in regular exercise and strength training can help improve your overall fitness and endurance on the slopes. Exercises such as squats, lunges, and core workouts can specifically target the muscles used in snowboarding. Building strength and endurance will allow you to ride longer and with more control.

Understanding and respecting the slopes

Respecting the slopes and other riders is crucial for a safe and enjoyable snowboarding experience. Follow the rules and guidelines set by the resort or mountain and always be aware of your surroundings. Yield to faster riders and give them plenty of space. Avoid stopping in the middle of a slope or obstructing the path of others. Be mindful of weather conditions and any potential dangers on the mountain. By understanding and respecting the slopes, you can contribute to a positive and safe snowboarding environment.


Overall, there are several essential skills and techniques that beginner snowboarders should be aware of. These include laying your snowboard upside down, practicing strapping up and unstrapping your snowboard bindings, practicing one footed stops, practicing skating and walking up hills, and rolling onto your toe edge. By mastering these skills and following the additional tips provided in this article, you will be well-equipped to have a successful and enjoyable experience on the slopes. Remember to practice, take your time, and continue learning and improving your skills over time. Snowboarding is a fantastic sport that offers endless opportunities for fun and adventure, and with the right knowledge and preparation, you can make the most of your time on the mountain. So grab your snowboard and get ready to shred!

Hi there, I'm Jesse Hull, the author behind AK Fresh Pow. "Shred The Knar There Bud" is not only our tagline, but also our way of life. As a Husband and Father, I embrace the thrill of conquering the slopes. Being a retired Infantry Paratrooper has taught me discipline and a love for adventure. Now, as a new snowboarder/skier, I'm embracing the freedom and adrenaline rush that comes with it. Alongside these passions, I am a full-time student at Alaska Pacific University in Anchorage, Alaska, continuously expanding my knowledge and skills. Join me on this exciting journey as we explore the beauty of the snowy mountains together.