5 Shortcuts To Instantly Improve Your Snowboarding

5 Shortcuts To Instantly Improve Your Snowboarding

In the video titled “5 Shortcuts To Instantly Improve Your Snowboarding” by SnowboardProCamp, Kevin shares five shortcuts that will instantly enhance your snowboarding skills. He emphasizes the importance of making the most out of each run by focusing on specific areas for improvement. Kevin suggests practicing switch riding and working on carving turns to enhance control over your edges. He also advises utilizing different features on the slopes, such as rollers or box features, to practice various tricks and techniques. In addition to these on-slope shortcuts, Kevin mentions the benefits of having a friend film your ride to identify areas of improvement and the importance of proper gear setup, including snowboard, bindings, and helmet, to enhance your overall riding experience. With these shortcuts in mind, you can take your snowboarding skills to the next level.

Shortcut 1: Make a Plan on Each Run

When it comes to improving your snowboarding skills, it’s essential to make the most of each run. One shortcut to instant improvement is to make a plan and focus on specific areas you want to work on. Whether it’s riding switch, working on carving turns, practicing ollies or 180s, working on box features, or trying small jumps or switch airs, having a plan in mind will help you stay focused and make the most out of your time on the slopes.

If you’re looking to improve your switch riding, find an area where you can practice riding switch and work on your turns. Riding switch is a valuable skill that adds versatility to your snowboarding abilities. By making a plan to ride switch and focusing on your turns, you can improve your control and comfort when riding in that direction.

Carving turns are another essential aspect of snowboarding. By working on your carving turns, you can become more in control of your edges and improve your overall technique. Look for sections on the mountain that are suitable for carving turns, such as areas with long, sweeping turns or groomed slopes. Practicing carving turns will help you develop a better feel for your board and enhance your ability to control your speed and direction.

To work on your ollies or 180s, find a section of the mountain that has rollers or small jumps. These features provide great opportunities to practice and improve your ollies and rotations. Start with smaller jumps and gradually work your way up to more challenging ones as you become more comfortable and confident in your abilities.

If you’re new to box features, it’s essential to start with the basics. A good plan is to practice 50-50s, where you slide across the box with both feet on the board. Once you’re comfortable with that, you can progress to board slides, where you slide across the box with just one foot on the board. Making a plan to tackle box features will help you build your confidence and improve your ability to navigate these obstacles on the mountain.

Lastly, if there are small jumps or a jump section on the mountain, you can use them to work on spins, such as 360s. If you’re not ready for spins, focus on grabs, where you reach down and grab your board while in the air. Setting a goal for each run and incorporating these tricks into your plan will help you push yourself and continually improve your snowboarding skills.

Remember, every part of the run offers an opportunity to work on something, whether it’s practicing switch airs, trying new tricks, or perfecting your turns. By making a plan before each run, you can ensure that you’re actively working towards improving your snowboarding abilities and getting the most out of your time on the mountain.

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Shortcut 2: Film Yourself Riding

One of the most effective ways to improve your snowboarding skills is to film yourself while riding. This shortcut offers several benefits that can help you identify areas for improvement and correct common mistakes.

Firstly, filming yourself allows you to observe your riding from a different perspective. When you’re on the mountain, it can be challenging to see exactly what you’re doing and how you’re executing certain maneuvers. By capturing your runs on camera, you can review the footage later and gain valuable insights into your technique. You might notice things that you weren’t aware of while riding, such as body positioning, weight distribution, or the timing of your movements.

Identifying areas for improvement is another advantage of filming yourself. Once you review the footage, you can spot any weaknesses or areas where you’re not performing as well as you’d like. It could be a specific trick or maneuver that you’re struggling with, or it could be a general aspect of your riding technique that needs refinement. By pinpointing these areas, you can develop a targeted plan to work on them and see significant progress in your riding.

Additionally, filming yourself allows you to correct common mistakes. Sometimes, small adjustments in technique can make a big difference in your riding performance. By observing yourself on video, you can identify these mistakes and make the necessary adjustments. It could be something as simple as correcting your body posture or tweaking your approach to a jump. Making these corrections will help you become more efficient and confident in your riding, leading to instant improvement.

So, grab a friend or use a mountable camera to film yourself while snowboarding. Make sure to capture footage from different angles and perspectives to get a comprehensive view of your riding. After each session, take the time to review the footage and analyze your performance. By doing so, you’ll gain valuable insights, identify areas for improvement, and make the necessary adjustments to become a better snowboarder.

5 Shortcuts To Instantly Improve Your Snowboarding

Shortcut 3: Follow Someone Else’s Line

Another effective shortcut to instantly improve your snowboarding is to follow someone else’s line on the mountain. This technique applies to carving, hitting jumps, and even learning switch turns. Following someone else’s line offers several benefits that can expedite your progression as a snowboarder.

The first benefit of following someone else’s line is that it helps you set the speed. When you’re trying to improve your skills, it can be challenging to find the right speed for a particular feature or maneuver. By following someone who is more experienced or skilled, you can match their speed and ensure that you’re approaching obstacles or turns at the appropriate pace. This guidance reduces the guesswork and allows you to focus on executing the maneuver correctly.

Observing technique is another advantage of following someone else’s line. By watching how someone else tackles a feature or executes a maneuver, you can learn valuable insights about the proper technique. Pay attention to their body positioning, weight distribution, and overall approach. By mimicking these actions and incorporating them into your riding, you can improve your own technique and become more proficient in executing various maneuvers.

Following someone else’s line is also beneficial for learning switch turns. Switch riding can be challenging, especially when it comes to turning. By following someone who is already comfortable and skilled in switch turns, you can observe their movements and gain a better understanding of how to perform the maneuver smoothly and effectively. It provides a visual reference and allows you to mimic their actions, making it easier for you to develop the necessary muscle memory for switch turns.

So, the next time you’re on the mountain, find someone whose riding style you admire or someone who is more experienced than you. Follow their line and take note of their speed, technique, and overall approach. By utilizing this shortcut, you can accelerate your progression and improve your snowboarding skills more rapidly.

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Shortcut 4: Optimize Your Snowboard Gear Setup

One often overlooked aspect of improving your snowboarding skills is optimizing your gear setup. The way your snowboard, bindings, and boots are set up can have a significant impact on your performance and overall riding experience. By taking the time to ensure that your gear is set up correctly for your specific preferences and riding style, you can instantly improve your snowboarding in various ways.

Choosing a park-specific snowboard is essential if you primarily ride in the terrain park or enjoy freestyle riding. Park boards are specifically designed to excel in park features, such as rails, boxes, and jumps. They typically have a softer flex, which provides better maneuverability, and a twin shape, which allows you to ride switch with ease. By using a park-specific snowboard, you can enhance your performance and enjoyment in the terrain park.

Measuring the width of your bindings is another crucial step in optimizing your gear setup. The width of your bindings affects your stability, balance, and overall control on the board. A general rule of thumb for determining the appropriate width is to measure from your elbow to your fist and use that measurement as a guide. Finding the right width for your bindings will provide you with the optimal balance and control, allowing you to perform at your best on the mountain.

Setting up a duck stance is particularly beneficial if you ride park or enjoy switch riding. A duck stance refers to the alignment of your bindings, where both feet are angled outward and positioned symmetrically. This stance makes switch landings and riding switch much easier since your feet are evenly positioned for riding in both directions. Experiment with different degrees of duck stance to find the setup that feels most comfortable and suits your riding style.

Adjusting the high backs of your bindings is essential for improving heel carves. If you enjoy carving turns, setting your high backs forward can significantly enhance your performance. By increasing the forward angle of your high backs, you can exert more pressure on your heels during carves, resulting in better control and edge engagement. Experiment with different positions to find the angle that allows you to achieve the best heel carves.

Ensuring that your snowboard and bindings are the right size for your body type is crucial for optimal performance. The length and width of your snowboard should be suitable for your height, weight, and riding style. A board that is too long or too short can affect your stability, control, and maneuverability on the mountain. Similarly, bindings that are too narrow or too wide can cause discomfort and affect your balance. Consider consulting a professional or doing thorough research to find the best size options for your body type and riding preferences.

If you’re planning to ride powder, using a powder-specific setup can greatly improve your experience. Powder boards are specifically designed to excel in deep snow conditions, with features such as a wider nose, tapered shape, and setback stance. These design elements provide better floatation and maneuverability in powder, allowing you to effortlessly glide through deep snow. By using a powder-specific setup, you can maximize your enjoyment and performance in backcountry or powder conditions.

Lastly, wearing a helmet and safety gear is the ultimate shortcut to ensuring your safety and boosting your confidence on the mountain. A helmet protects your head from potential injuries and gives you the peace of mind to push your limits and go for that jump or faster turn. Wearing other safety gear such as wrist guards, knee pads, and impact shorts can also provide additional protection and minimize the risk of injury. By prioritizing safety, you’ll feel more confident to take on challenges and fully enjoy your snowboarding experience.

So, take the time to evaluate and optimize your gear setup to match your riding style and preferences. Whether it’s choosing a park-specific snowboard, measuring your bindings width, setting up a duck stance, adjusting high backs for better heel carves, finding the right size for your body type, or using a powder-specific setup, these gear optimizations can significantly enhance your snowboarding performance and overall enjoyment.

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5 Shortcuts To Instantly Improve Your Snowboarding

Shortcut 5: Set Goals and Push Yourself

Setting goals and pushing yourself is a powerful shortcut to improve your snowboarding skills and continue progressing as a rider. By giving yourself specific targets and continually challenging yourself, you can expand your snowboard skills, overcome fear, and improve your overall confidence on the mountain.

Setting goals is essential for progression in snowboarding. When you have a clear objective in mind, it gives you something to strive for and a sense of direction in your riding. Goals can be as simple as successfully landing a specific trick or maneuver, mastering a certain terrain feature, or improving on a particular aspect of your technique. By setting these goals and working towards them, you can track your progress and feel a sense of accomplishment when you achieve them.

Overcoming fear is another significant aspect of snowboarding progression. As you push yourself to try new tricks, hit bigger jumps, or tackle more challenging terrain, fear can often hold you back. However, by setting goals and gradually pushing the boundaries of your comfort zone, you can incrementally overcome these fears and build your confidence. Start with smaller goals that push you just outside of your comfort zone, and as you achieve them, gradually increase the difficulty level. This approach will help you face challenges head-on and expand your snowboarding skills.

Expanding your snowboard skills is a natural result of setting goals and pushing yourself. As you work towards specific targets, you’ll inevitably develop new tricks, perfect existing maneuvers, and explore different aspects of snowboarding. By continually challenging yourself, you’ll discover new possibilities and unlock your full potential as a rider. Remember to focus on both technical skills, such as learning new tricks, and fundamental skills, like improving your carving or switch riding. This balance will ensure a well-rounded progression and overall growth as a snowboarder.

Improving confidence is perhaps one of the most significant benefits of setting goals and pushing yourself. As you achieve your goals and successfully conquer challenges, your confidence will naturally increase. This newfound confidence will transfer to every aspect of your snowboarding experience, allowing you to ride with more freedom, creativity, and enjoyment. Whether you’re hitting big jumps, exploring new terrain, or trying out new tricks, your confidence will be a driving force behind your progression and overall level of satisfaction on the mountain.

So, take the time to set meaningful goals for your snowboarding journey. Start with achievable targets and gradually build upon them as you improve and gain confidence. Don’t be afraid to push yourself and step outside of your comfort zone—this is where true growth and progress happen. By setting goals and continually challenging yourself, you’ll experience continuous improvement and a rewarding snowboarding journey.


Implementing these five shortcuts is a surefire way to instantly improve your snowboarding skills and continue progressing. By making a plan on each run, focusing on specific aspects of your riding, and utilizing the different terrain features, you can optimize your time on the mountain and enhance your abilities. Filming yourself riding allows you to gain valuable insights, identify areas for improvement, and correct common mistakes by observing your technique. Following someone else’s line helps set the speed, observe technique, and learn new skills, such as switch turns. Optimizing your snowboard gear setup ensures that you’re equipped with the right tools for your specific riding style and preferences. Setting goals and pushing yourself accelerates your progression, expands your snowboard skills, overcomes fears, and improves confidence.

Remember, continuous improvement in snowboarding requires dedication, practice, and a willingness to push your limits. By incorporating these shortcuts into your snowboarding routine, you’ll be on your way to becoming a better and more confident snowboarder. So, hit the slopes with a plan, film yourself to analyze your performance, follow someone else’s line to learn new skills, optimize your gear setup for maximum performance, set goals to push yourself, and enjoy the journey of continuous improvement in snowboarding.

5 Shortcuts To Instantly Improve Your Snowboarding

Hi there, I'm Jesse Hull, the author behind AK Fresh Pow. "Shred The Knar There Bud" is not only our tagline, but also our way of life. As a Husband and Father, I embrace the thrill of conquering the slopes. Being a retired Infantry Paratrooper has taught me discipline and a love for adventure. Now, as a new snowboarder/skier, I'm embracing the freedom and adrenaline rush that comes with it. Alongside these passions, I am a full-time student at Alaska Pacific University in Anchorage, Alaska, continuously expanding my knowledge and skills. Join me on this exciting journey as we explore the beauty of the snowy mountains together.